Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Gluten Free Myth

When I had to go off gluten 2 1/2 years ago, I didn't really know what to expect.  What did happen to me was nothing short of miraculous.  The water bloat I was carrying for years disappeared and my energy came back.  In addition, after several months I started absorbing nutrients again.  This is indicative of someone with celiac disease, a debilitating autoimmune disease where people cannot eat a protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley and oats.  Gone untreated, this can cause a host of problems including cancer because the body's immune system is compromised and is unable to fight anything that comes it's way.  I feel truly blessed to have found out my problem.

What I also found out when speaking with people with this disease is that 43% of the population has this disease to a certain extent.  Some people don't actually have the disease but have an intolerance to gluten, and will benefit greatly from eliminating gluten from their diet.  An even more amazing statistic is that 95% of people do not know that they have this problem, and thus suffer needlessly with all sorts of digestive problems ranging from gas, bloating, stomach aches, diarrhea, consitpation, and reflux.  In addition, having gluten intolerance can also cause various allergies including skin and seasonal allergies. 

When I went off gluten I struggled to figure out what I could and could not eat.  It is very challenging because gluten is hidden in so many foods such as salad dressings, marinades and sauces which are on so many foods.  I started off eating mostly plain things such as chicken and fish, later adding things that I knew were safe.  What is amazing is there are so many websites that will help to decipher what you can and cannot eat.  I found that cooking for myself was the best way to ensure that I was eating properly, but later ventured out to restuarants.  What is so great is that so many restuarants have embraced this food allergy and created menus to accomodate these patrons.  In addition, most grocery stores have created a gluten free section of their store so that people are able to purchase gluten free items.

I am so excited that people are finally aware of this problem, however, it seems recently that many people are choosing a "gluten free diet" because they think it is a way to lose weight.  Actually this couldn't be further from the truth.  When people are not absorbing the food that they eat, they don't gain weight, however, once the food is absorbed people have a tendency to gain weight.  Eating gluten free is not a diet, it becomes a way of life, something that we cannot go off.  Unfortunately there are many people glamorizing this problem and using it as the trendy  diet du jour.  Sadly, they don't understand that eating gluten free is not about buying processed gluten free cookies, cakes, pasta, etc.  It's about finding healthy ways to eat without incorporating gluten into our diets.  I know this trend will fade with time, I am only hoping that the awareness  does not.  Many people actually will benefit by eliminating gluten from their diet, just don't use it as an excuse to lose weight!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Diets Don't Work

Most if not all of us have been on a diet at one time or another.  The key word being "been".  Meaning you are not on a diet NOW.  There is a reason for this.  Most people go on a diet for a quick fix.  We want to lose weigh NOW and fast.  We also know that to go "on" an diet, means we will eventually go "off " a diet, which inherently will set us up for failure.  However, people continue to go on diets and lose weight and then gain it back, and usually end up gaining more than they started with.  Wow!  There you have that yo-yo syndrome.  Losing and gaining weight over and over again.

Let's look at why this happens.  Well the number one reason is that people need to make a commitment to something if it is to become permanent.  That said, the commitment to a diet is too difficult becuase it is too restrictive.  If it is too restrictive, you feel deprived and you will "cheat"...once you have cheated then you seem to cheat again and again, thus you will fail, and eventually go off your diet.  The next reason we fail, is because our goals are unrealistic.  Most people feel that when we diet our goal is become "thin", sometimes we want to be "skinny".  Using words like these also set us up to fail.  When we lose weight we need to understand that our goal should be to get "healthy" or "fit", and if we incorporate that into our strategy, we have set our ideals on health and not weight loss.  When getting fit, we will try to do things to reduce calories, and in addition find ways to get active.  I say active over the word exercise because many people despise exercising.  Getting active is nothing more than moving your body.  Getting off that couch or chair and doing something to keep your mind off of food and your body burning fat.  This can be as simple as walking, climbing stairs, or doing an activity that you enjoy doing.  Most importantly,  the third reason we fail is because if our bodies eat too few calories, our bodies think that we are starving.  We will lose weight, but we will be losing muscle mass because our bodies store fat when we are starving.  Muscle mass is the very thing that burns calories and makes us strong and fit.  It also makes our metabolism work better and thus burn calories faster.  So if we are deficient in muscle mass, then our metabolism slows down, and when we go off our diet, we are left with nothing but fat and a slow metabolism, causing us to gain weight even faster than before.  In addition, fat looks larger than muscle, so the fat we add to our fat, makes us look fatter than when we started our diet.

The solution?  Kick the scale habit and get out of game of losing pounds!  You want to lose inches!  You want to build lean muscle mass and get fit and lean and healthy.  The weight will  come off , but you can't starve. You need to start incorporating healthy foods into the way you eat and stop eating the junk.  All of this is what people refer to as a lifestyle change.  I like to look at it as a mindshift.  It is thinking about food and activity in a different way.  It is something you need to do everyday, and if you have a "bad" day, tomorrow is another day, no worries!

Monday, March 21, 2011


As far back as the cavman days, people have needed food for survival.  It was the way we had energy to do things, it was the fuel in our tanks.  It was not until somewhere in the 20th century that things started to change dramatically.  People became aware that food was something of an art form, something that we couldn't get enough of.  People experimented with different ways to prepare food, different ways food could last, and out of that came the processed food age.  Most people today only know from food that has been processed, and seem to feel this is exactly what our bodies need.  In actuality, food manufacturers have made it their business to create food that you crave.  They want you to continue to eat their food that they created so they have put things into it that ensure that you come back and buy it again.  Things like lots of suger, fat, and salt have been put into many products...things like caffeine have been put into many beverages, and why?  Because those things tend to cause additions.  How many people say...oh, I am so addicted to sugar, I can't stop eating it, or I love potato chips, I can't just have one.  Even those people who seem to be addicted to caffeine have a hard time kicking the habit.  These are the very things that make people sick, and fat.  Most people if they get fat from these foods will try to diet.  With what?  Processed food that manufacturers made for people who are trying to control their calories, but that problem there is that the only difference between these weight loss "diet" foods and other processed foods is that there are smaller portions.  They still contain lots of salt and even sugar and fat.

People have become addicted to processed food and unless they make a conscious effort to change their ways,  America will continue to get sicker and fatter.  1 in 3 Americans are considered to be obese!!!  That is a staggering statistic!!!!  It will continue to get worse unless we take a stand, and demand healthier food, and I don't mean healthier processed food,  I mean buy more lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.  It is a simple change, but for most people it doesn't sound like something they may want to do.  What is amazing is that 7 years ago, I gave up eating refined sugars, as well as dairy products.  Since then I have had to give up gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats.  Gluten is found in so many foods and hidden in many processed foods as well.  I remember telling people that I couldn't have all these things and they would say to me, "what are you going to eat?".  To which I replied, "healhty food."  Plain and simple, I am not deprived.  If anything, I am more healthy than many people out there who feel I can't eat anything.  I eat fish, chicken, turkey, lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes.  Guess what?  This food actually tastes good!  Crazy as it may sound, the things your body should eat, are actually quite can experiment and learn how to make the most wonderful meals!  I have, and it has not only been rewarding, but my body looks much better than it did 7 years ago, and I feel better too.

I use this analogy with my kids, your body is like a car.  When it's brand new, it runs beautifully, no problems, unless you get a lemon.  Years later with wear and tear, you need to bring it in and have it serviced.  However, if you take care of your car, put the right fluids into it, your car will last a long time.  It works that way with our bodies.  Proper maintenence (exercise) and putting good stuff into it (good food), will keep you healthy for a long time.

Most people in this country have become people who Live to Eat.  It is very unfortunate that people have gotten stuck in this trap.  I was in it myself.  Your life seemed to revolve around your next meal.  You want to eat at the best restaurant who will give you the most food for the least amount of money.  This is why fast food has become such a mainstream in our lives.  We seem to be always in a rush, but we accept the quality of "food" that these restaurants provide, because they are our quick fix.  It's kind of like when any type of addict, be it alcohol or drugs, needs their next fix.  The more we eat, the more we's a neverending cycle.  The portions and the calories that we eat are so ridiculous, that is is a wonder that people can't lose weight.  In addition, we seem to be addicted to the concept of food.  Have you noticed how many shows are on TV that are food related now?  Have you seen the show Man vs. Food?  Seriously, it scares me that people want to conquer it.  That they have competitions to see who can eat until they kill's like binge drinking, only it's binge eating...Now there's FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sodas, and Sports Drinks and Juices, Oh My!!!

Most people are aware that soda has a lot of sugar in it, but don't really know how much and the quality of sugar that is in it.  Soda's are made with high fructose corn syrup, the cheapest and the worst form of sugar.  Drinking a glass or can of soda is like eating a candy bar!  There are many people who drink numerous glasses of soda daily.  This can add pounds to your body each year, not to mention take you down the road to type 2 diabetes.  What's just as bad is drinking diet soda. Why?  Because by drinking these chemical laden drinks (which by the way are very addictive), I know because I was addicted, your body is tricked into believing it is drinking sugar, and you tend to have sugar cravings because of it.  Therefore, it does you no good to drink diet sodas if you will utimately eat sugary foods later.  The lesson from this is get rid of the soda out of your life, not only will it make you lose weight but also make you healthier too!  What makes me so angry is that we still have these soda machines in highs schools and offices around the country.  It is so easy to get them when you are thirsty, but they really don't quench your thirst.  Many schools have replaced these machines with sport drinks and juices instead, thinking that these are much better choices.  Wrong!

Sports drinks are nothing more than sugary water with dyes.  They tout themselves as being able to replace electrolites in your body, however, they are missing a key component that makes these drinks taste not so good.  Salt.  When replacing electrolites in your body, you need a proper balance of water, sugar and salt.  The best and most natural replacement would be coconut water.  This is starting to get some attention out there and shelves are seeming to have more of them in your local supermarket, but the awareness is not there yet, and because they don't taste so sweet, many people are not interested in it and won't drink it.  So if you don't like that then the answer would be plain old water.  Water is definitely the best drink you can drink, day in and out.  It has no calories, and replaces the fluids your body needs.  Don't like water, squeeze some lemon, lime or a splash of fruit juice to give it some flavor,  but watch out for that fruit juice!

Yes, I sad fruit juice!  But you thought juice was healthy.  Sort of.  Not all fruit juices are created equal.  Most guessed it, high fructose corn syrup, which is bad.  In addition, even if you get 100% fruit juice, it has a lot of natural sugar or fructose, which is bad as well.  Think about squeezing an orange.  How much juice do you get from 1 orange?  Not much, maybe an ounce or two.  It would probably take at least 6-8 oranges to get you a glass of orange juice, and that is a lot of sugar.  You would never eat 6-8 oranges at one time, so why drink that much.  It is wise to eat your fruit, instead of drinking it.  In addition you can add a splash to water or seltser (carbonated water) for flavor. This is a great habit to get your kids into, especially if you don't want them to drink soda or juice. Just make sure it's 100% juice.  Better yet, squeeze some fresh citrus (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit) into your does your body good!

Another alternative for beverages would be to drink tea.  Hot or cold it has health benefits,  green tea contains antioxidants that are good for you!  The caveat is you need to learn to drink it without sugar or sugar subsitutes.  It takes some time, but you do get used to the flavor without sugar.  If you do need some sweetness try putting a little agave nectar in it.  It is lower on the glycemic index than sugar or honey, or you can even use stevia, a natural plant derived sweetner.  All these changes are difficult at first, but you will see such a change in your body, your health and even your mood!  Happy drinking!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why is America so Sick and Obese?

The reason I named this blog health shift, is because America is becoming so sick and fat that there needs to be a complete health shift coming from consumers, and the market will eventually follow.  There is a small shift occuring right now, but there is no telling if this trend is going to continue to grow.

I am very aware of what I buy in the supermarket.  I used to never be aware, before I developed my autoimmune diseases, but after learning what I have learned I have gone through a complete mind shift.  I understand what disease is and why we get it.  Basically, the food we are eating is killing us!  I am an insurance agent who specializes in the senior market.  I meet with seniors every day.  It blows my mind how many people casually say they have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type II diabetes!  When I ask them how is your health, their answer is always GOOD!!! It is amazing that people think that this trifecta of diseases is considered normal.  What is going on!  People are getting sick because the food that we eat is filled with chemicals, transfats, and high fructose corn syrup.  It is taxing our pancreas and liver to detox our bodies from all of this junk.  Essentially, if it was made in a factory it really is not food, it is a consumable (something your body is capable of digesting).  Eating these consumables comes at an enormous price though.  Your health.  Food is essentially a simple thing.  Something that comes from mother nature.  Something that was grown in the ground or walking on the earth.  This is where America needs to start shifting. 

I believe when it comes to food we as a nation have become quite lazy about preparing and cooking.  It is much easier to take a frozen meal and microwave it or drive through the nearest fast food restaurant and pick something up for dinner.  More Americans are working and running kids around to activities that we feel there is no time to cook.  If we realize that it only takes 30 minutes to make a meal, perhaps we can start shifting our thoughts.  If we knew that what we eat keeps us healthy perhaps more people would start cooking.  I know that this is a major thing, but it doesn't have to happen all at once, it didn't with me.  It is a step by step process, eliminating one bad thing at a time, until your body starts eating a cleaner, and much healthier diet.

There are people out there trying to change these things.  Jamie Oliver, a food network chef, has taken it upon himself to start a "Food Revolution"  getting people in America to wake-up and learn how to cook, and change the way we feed our children in schools.  This grass roots movement is quite exciting and hopefully it will catch on everywhere.  Michelle Obama is trying to reduce childhood obesity with her Let's Move campaign.  This is really great, but it's the tip of the iceberg.  We need more people to start speaking up and start helping America to get healthy and fit.  Hopefully my blog with inspire thought and conversation and cooking with real food!!!  Good luck and thanks for reading.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Welcome to my blog!!!!


This is the first blog that I am posting.  The reason I am writing this is because I want to create an awareness about the declining health of Americans.  The reason it is so near and dear to me is because for the past 10 years I have suffered with numerous conditions that have made me feel terrible.  I know I am not alone, because I have done extensive research on the web, including reading many peoples blogs which have helped me sort out my problems.  I cannot tell you how much better I look and feel after finding the right holistic practitioner, and learning all about healthy eating, and how to stay healthy and looking young!  Thanks to Dr. John Lee, author of "What Your Doctor May not tell you about Perimenopause", as well as Suzanne Somers and all her books, and countless others, I have made a huge turnaround and I would like to pay it forward to all of you who are seeking help.  Looking forward to writing to you and hearing your stories...god bless!