Monday, March 21, 2011


As far back as the cavman days, people have needed food for survival.  It was the way we had energy to do things, it was the fuel in our tanks.  It was not until somewhere in the 20th century that things started to change dramatically.  People became aware that food was something of an art form, something that we couldn't get enough of.  People experimented with different ways to prepare food, different ways food could last, and out of that came the processed food age.  Most people today only know from food that has been processed, and seem to feel this is exactly what our bodies need.  In actuality, food manufacturers have made it their business to create food that you crave.  They want you to continue to eat their food that they created so they have put things into it that ensure that you come back and buy it again.  Things like lots of suger, fat, and salt have been put into many products...things like caffeine have been put into many beverages, and why?  Because those things tend to cause additions.  How many people say...oh, I am so addicted to sugar, I can't stop eating it, or I love potato chips, I can't just have one.  Even those people who seem to be addicted to caffeine have a hard time kicking the habit.  These are the very things that make people sick, and fat.  Most people if they get fat from these foods will try to diet.  With what?  Processed food that manufacturers made for people who are trying to control their calories, but that problem there is that the only difference between these weight loss "diet" foods and other processed foods is that there are smaller portions.  They still contain lots of salt and even sugar and fat.

People have become addicted to processed food and unless they make a conscious effort to change their ways,  America will continue to get sicker and fatter.  1 in 3 Americans are considered to be obese!!!  That is a staggering statistic!!!!  It will continue to get worse unless we take a stand, and demand healthier food, and I don't mean healthier processed food,  I mean buy more lean meats, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.  It is a simple change, but for most people it doesn't sound like something they may want to do.  What is amazing is that 7 years ago, I gave up eating refined sugars, as well as dairy products.  Since then I have had to give up gluten, which is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats.  Gluten is found in so many foods and hidden in many processed foods as well.  I remember telling people that I couldn't have all these things and they would say to me, "what are you going to eat?".  To which I replied, "healhty food."  Plain and simple, I am not deprived.  If anything, I am more healthy than many people out there who feel I can't eat anything.  I eat fish, chicken, turkey, lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes.  Guess what?  This food actually tastes good!  Crazy as it may sound, the things your body should eat, are actually quite can experiment and learn how to make the most wonderful meals!  I have, and it has not only been rewarding, but my body looks much better than it did 7 years ago, and I feel better too.

I use this analogy with my kids, your body is like a car.  When it's brand new, it runs beautifully, no problems, unless you get a lemon.  Years later with wear and tear, you need to bring it in and have it serviced.  However, if you take care of your car, put the right fluids into it, your car will last a long time.  It works that way with our bodies.  Proper maintenence (exercise) and putting good stuff into it (good food), will keep you healthy for a long time.

Most people in this country have become people who Live to Eat.  It is very unfortunate that people have gotten stuck in this trap.  I was in it myself.  Your life seemed to revolve around your next meal.  You want to eat at the best restaurant who will give you the most food for the least amount of money.  This is why fast food has become such a mainstream in our lives.  We seem to be always in a rush, but we accept the quality of "food" that these restaurants provide, because they are our quick fix.  It's kind of like when any type of addict, be it alcohol or drugs, needs their next fix.  The more we eat, the more we's a neverending cycle.  The portions and the calories that we eat are so ridiculous, that is is a wonder that people can't lose weight.  In addition, we seem to be addicted to the concept of food.  Have you noticed how many shows are on TV that are food related now?  Have you seen the show Man vs. Food?  Seriously, it scares me that people want to conquer it.  That they have competitions to see who can eat until they kill's like binge drinking, only it's binge eating...Now there's FOOD FOR THOUGHT.

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